Patient portal
If you have already become a patient at Healing House, you can log in to access the following information:
Upcoming appointments
Past treatment plans (prescriptions, dietary advice, etc)
Handouts and information your Naturopathic Doctor would like you to read
Intake forms and questionaires to fill out for your chart
First time users:
To log in for the frist time you will need to 'create a free account'. Enter the email address you used to book an appointment and create a password. Once you have created your free account, you an log in at anytime to access your information.
The Naturopathic Doctors at Healing House use electronic medical records which is not only great for the environment but also helps to keep all of your important information in an organized system. The system we use is called SmartND and is PIPEDA (The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) compliant.